Your thought about the future stems from your ability to hope; while hope might be part of the playing factor, it is not the key factor.
As I read through Drive, l have come to reconcile with the fact that, hope is not in words but in action.
Action is the key factor. It stimulates hope; there's power in doing little every day with the little you have.
Whether you are conscious of it or not, it definitely will accumulate over time and form a chain that can not be broken easily.
Note that, the day you stop taking action, is the day you start rusting.
Like Abiola Iyiola might have put it: "to not move, is to sink".
You can write? Don't stop writing! Because if you do, you deprive others of the privilege of finding the gift worthwhile.
You can sing? Don't stop singing! Because if you do, you deprive others of the ability to heal.
You can speak? Don't stop speaking! Because when you do, you lose the power to inspire; this goes for all other gifts embedded in you.
However, let it be known that every gift in you is there to catalyze(or complement) every other gift.
Therefore, don't stop expressing your gift because you see(or think) someone is doing better than you.
If there's a discovery I'd love to share with you, it is that, the world doesn't know what they want until you've presented them with something. Something unique! And that's you there.
All I am saying in essence is, Keep lifting your feet and don't halt your learning process.
Is there anything that stood out for you from today's publication?
I would love to hear it?😁
Enjoy your day! Remember, you're made to thrive
©️ Praise C. Ighomi 2022